The only purpose of your credit score is to communicate to lenders your credit worthiness so that they will lend you money to purchase items that are too expensive to buy with cash. Therefore good can be defined as a credit score that would allow you to qualify with lenders. Typically that credit score is 680 and above.
Any credit score that is deemed too low to obtain necessary loans that one might need to buy a house, car, get a cell phone, etc.. Credit worthiness is binary - you either have credit good enough to get lending or you don't. Going back to the post above - anything below a 680 is usually too low to get financing options.
Your FICO® Score is used in the overwhelming majority of lending decisions. However, all three credit bureaus maintain a profile and credit score based on your credit information.
Credit scores typically range from 300 to 850.
Experian, TransUnion and Equifax are the three main credit reporting bureaus.
Credit bureaus are companies that collect information on your financial readiness and then relay information to lenders to inform them of your creditworthiness and risk.
Any entity that provides credit or loans money.
Unfortunately - no. Many free credit scores provided online show consumers their VantageScore®. However, you can get your individual credit reports from each agency on your own. However, to get your FICO® score continuously (every 30 days) and accurately we recommend signing up with MyScoreIQ® here.
Credit Repair is the intervention of trained professionals to dispute inaccurate or outdated information that could be negatively impacting your credit score.
You have a right to accurate and fair credit reporting. We assist you in ensuring inaccurate items are challenged with both the credit bureaus and creditors.
Our process is aligned with removing inaccurate or unfair items from your credit report. While no one can lawfully guarantee results, we can guarantee we will do everything legally allowed to ensure your credit is repaired.
Unfortunately our industry is full of the good and bad just like any other industry. Warning signs of unfair/deceptive practices are set up fees, large upfront costs, guaranteeing results, and any time it sounds too good to be true.
We recommend our Plus plan for all - it comes with every action possible to repair your credit.
It depends on what you are disputing and the complexity of the case. Our average client is satisfied with results in 6 months.
Ethically speaking, no credit repair company or attorney can guarantee results. Think of a lawyer representing you in a legal battle, or a financial advisor helping to invest your money. While they can pledge to work in your best interest, they can’t guarantee results.
It is your right to ensure you have accurate items reflected on your credit report. While you may dispute items on your own, we recommend letting the professionals do it for you.
Unfortunately we cannot get access your FICO 8® Scores without MyScoreIQ®, and due to credit bureaus attacking the credit repair industry we are unable to get access without a third party.
Credit Renew's credit repair process is data driven and backed by proprietary technology designed to streamline the dispute process.
All of our customers are assigned a Case Manager, a Dispute Engineer, or a Case Management Team.
We will reach out and make sure we get all your information set up for our client portal so the dispute process can begin.